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[原创长篇] 双螺旋 01

发表于 2021-3-7 19:34:26 | 2021-3-7 19:40编辑 | 发自安卓客户端 | 显示全部楼层
"Dr. Peterson, I am the doctor from the Helix Department. You have already been infected by a deadly virus of your era and it should kill you probably in less than 7 hours.  As you can see, your immune system can no longer function properly and the tissue under your skin begins to cancerate. In short, your life is hanging on a thread."
"GO AWAY!"  The man shouted fiercely, then there came his whispers, "My life ended years ago, no one living in this world actually make any difference.  Centuries before us and centuries after our pathetic death...We are all the same!Same carbon-based organic machines striving to find ironic meanings in this absurd world. Can't you see this? Of course, of course...If the will of the cosmos want me to vanish, then I shall go with wind..."
"You may not." The doctor said in a rather cold voice, grabbed the man's arms and injected some chemicals into his veins.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Trying to save a dead man's life."
"I don't need anyone's savior. This's destined to be the end of my life!"

"Karen Peterson, born on the earth, died from the the Reaper in 3037, a tragedy to the new Cognitive psychology. Your contributions will be honored till the end of time."
The mysterious doctor packed his stuff and left the ragged apartment.
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